Colon Hydrotherapy and its clinical applications (part 3)

By Donald J. Mantell, M.D. (Professional Member AANC)


The expression constipation is derived from the Latin word “constiatus” which translated means to press or crowd together, to pack, to cram. Consequently, to be constipated means that the packed accumulation of feces in the bowel makes its evacuation difficult.
However, a state of constipation can also exist when movements of the bowel may seem to be normal, in spite of an accumulation of feces somewhere along the passageways of the colon.
Many health authorities believe that constipation is the number one affliction underlying nearly every ailment. This means that constipation would be the most prevalent ailment affecting the civilized world. It is vital to stress that constipation affects the health of the colon, upon which the health of the body in its entirety depends.
Constipation contributes toward the lowering of body resistance predisposing it to many acute illnesses and the creation of a great many degenerative and chronic processes. Almost every human ailment has been attributed to a malfunctioning colon, i.e., one that cannot perform its normal , regular and efficient functioning.
Intestinal constipation causes cellular constipation. It also increases the workload of the other excretory organs- kidney, skin, liver, lungs and lymph.
The functioning of these organs becomes depleted and overworked. The cellular metabolism becomes sluggish, repair and growth are delayed and the ability to eliminate waste materials is lowered. The cells, instead of being alive and active, become dead and inactive. This process results in a decline in tissue and organ functional ability.
There are two crimes against nature which civilization indulges in as a daily routine, which may be direct causes of constipation. One is the consumption of devitalized and refined foods which fail to nourish the organs responsible for the evacuation of waste matter. The other which is most prevalent particularly among young people, but not much less among the older and more mature, is neglecting to stop everything we are doing when the urge to evacuate the bowels should drive us headlong into the bathroom. Bowel movements every two or three days are considered normal and acceptable. It is my professional opinion, as in the opinion of many holistic healthcare professionals, that we should have a bowel movement for every meal we eat, each and everyday. For example, if we eat three meals per day, we should have three bowel movements per day.
If we are having less than two bowel movements per day, food residues are lying in the colon for more than twelve hours. Consequently, the fecal material in the colon becomes putrefied and fermented. Any nutritional element present in the fecal matter would pass into the bloodstream as polluted products. What would otherwise be nutritional becomes in fact, the beginning of toxemia. Toxemia is a condition in which the blood contains poisonous products which are produced by the growth of pathogenic or disease producing bacteria. Pimples for example are usually the first indication that toxemia has found its way into the body.
A number of years ago fifty-seven of the leading physicians of Britain met in London and discussed before the Royal Society of Medicine this problem of autointoxication caused by a toxic colon.
Autointoxication is defined as “the poisoning of the body, by toxic matter penetrated therein.” Twenty-two poisons were identified as originating in a toxic colon. They are as follows: Phenol, Cadaverin, Agamatine, Indel, lpheratted Hydrogen, Cresol, Bulvric Acid, Botulin, Putrescin, Urrobilin, Histidine, Ammonia, Muscatine, Methylgardinine, Indoethylamine, Sulpheffoglobine, Ptomaffopine, Pentmethylphamine, Neurin and Sepsin.
These are some of the many types of poisons which can be found in a toxic colon. Some of these poisons are highly active and may produce the most detrimental effects–even in very small quantities. In many cases, these toxins can seep out of the colon and poison the rest of the body. Here are a few examples:
Poisons from the colon can do the following:
* Weaken and stress the heart
* Go to the skin and cause blemishes, paleness
* Psoriasis, liver spots, wrinkles and other facial conditions
* Irritate the lungs and cause foul breath
* Go to the brain and disturb mental function and cause senility
* Go to the joints and cause pain and stiffness
* Go to the muscles and cause weakness and severe fatigue
* Rob you of your youth, ruin your health, and cause you to become old long before your time

<< Part 2 – Part 4 >>

Note: The independent articles published in this section of the website are for educational purposes only. The opinions and methodologies described by the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinion and methodology employed at Aqualibria.

Aqualibria follows the professional guidelines of the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapists I-ACT, the largest organisation in the world governing this profession.