Keep your Immune System Healthy and Strong this Spring 2020 !

Winter is a challenging time for your body’s immune system: viruses and germs are more likely to spread during the winter, increasing your chances of contracting a seasonal cold or flu. But of course, what we are all worried about at the moment is the coronavirus: as scientist try to find a vaccine against it, we wonder what we can do apart from hoping not to get in contact with an infected person – and get infected ourselves. (Please observe the guidelines of Public Health England and ensure that you wash your hands thoroughly at all times and for at least 20 seconds.)

What we know for sure is that we can protect ourself better by taking care of our immune system and make sure that it is optimised.

How Our Immune System Works

Your immune system is your body’s line of defense against illness and disease. You can only do so much to minimize your risks of coming into contact with harmful bacteria and viruses, so your body’s immune system takes over when you are exposed to these dangerous germs and helps to protect you from illness.

Your immune system produces white blood cells, which fight off infectious disease and foreign materials. When your immune system isn’t functioning properly or is depressed, it can’t produce enough white blood cells to fight off infection and you become sick. White blood cells fight off bacteria and infectious disease.

Another important element of your immune system is antimicrobial peptides. Antimicrobial peptides fight off viruses, bacteria and fungi – even to the point of battling cancerous cells. Your body naturally produces antimicrobial peptides, but you can take supplements to stimulate your body’s production of these little warriors. Antimicrobial peptides also have other immunomodulatory benefits.

Protect your Immune System Part 1 – Nutrition Planning

One of the easiest things you can do to ensure that your immune system is functioning at its best is to make sure your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs. Healthy eating habits are essential in winter as unhealthy habits can lead to depressed immune system responses.

You hear year-round that eating healthy is important. Eating healthy always is important, but it is a vital function to ensure that your immune system is functioning properly. Try to eat plenty of vegetables and protein, and reduce your carbohydrate and processed food intake. You don’t have to eat perfectly all of the time, but improving your eating habits meal-by-meal can produce direct results in how well your immune system deals with the challenges of winter.

In addition to focusing on your eating habits, consider taking nutritional supplements that help to boost your immune system and help your body to create good chemicals and get the most from your food:

· Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the most important supplements you can take to help boost your body’s immune system responses. Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant, and it is an important factor in several vital enzymatic reactions. You can improve your Vitamin C intake by eating more fruits rich in Vitamin C, or taking Vitamin C supplements.

· Zinc: Zinc plays a direct roll in how well your immune system functions. Zinc stimulates the white blood cells that fight off infection, and help keep your body healthy. Zinc and Vitamin C have a synergy that results in improved effectiveness when taken together.

· Histidine: To improve your Zinc intake, you must take Histidine, too. Histidine is an amino acid that enables your body to more effectively absorb Zinc. Taking Zinc supplements without Histidine may be ineffective because certain foods, especially vegetables, can interfere with Zinc absorption. Histidine counteracts that interference and enables your body to effectively process Zinc.

· Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 functions in your body as a powerful antibiotic. Vitamin D3 boosts your body’s production of antimicrobial peptides which destroy pathogenic organisms, such as the influenza virus. Vitamin D3 isn’t a cure for the flu, but it can help your body become more effective at combating the flu.

A detox program that includes colon hydrotherapy can help your body effectively rid itself of unwanted compounds and boost your body’s metabolism and immune system functionality. By removing toxic materials from your body and improving your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, colonic hydrotherapy can help boost your immune system.

But – don’t try to make too many changes too quickly, or your body will have a difficult time to adjust. Make transitions to healthier eating habits gradually so your body can become accustomed to the change. Don’t deprive yourself of the occasional treat, either, or you may find it more difficult to be healthy overall.

Protect your Immune System Part 2 – Stress Management

Stress makes it more difficult for your immune system to function properly, thus increasing your risk during the cold winter months when you are more likely to contract an illness. Stress produces the hormone cortisol, which weakens your white blood cells’ ability to fight viruses. Cortisol also increases blood pressure and blood sugar, increasing your body’s risk for other medical complications in addition to repressed immune function.

Reduce your stress levels to reduce your body’s production of cortisol, and boost your immune responses. Try to get a full night of sleep every night, and practice relaxation techniques to lower your overall stress levels. Take a magnesium supplement in conjunction with aerobic exercise to reduce cortisol levels. Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin C can also reduce the negative impact of cortisol, making it easier for your body to fight off illness and lowering your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Therapeutic, relaxing techniques can help lower your stress levels. These techniques include things like massage and music therapy. Aqualibria has a unique ambience with candles, fresh flowers, mood-enhancing scents and your choice of CDs and music to help you relax. Your personal electronic massager can literally help to melt your cares away, so treat yourself to a colonic hydrotherapy session at Aqualibria to reduce your stress and cortisol levels.

Finally, Your body responds to emotions. Reducing direct stress is only one part of the equation to keeping your body healthy and happy. Nurture yourself, spend quality time with friends and enjoy relaxing activities that make you happy. Keeping your mental state elevated has a direct impact on your stress and cortisol levels, which has a direct impact on how well your body’s immune system functions!

Protect your Immune System Part 3 – Natural Sunlight

Sunlight is an important part of your body’s immune system functionality. During the winter, we typically don’t get as much direct exposure to sunlight as you do during the summer. That is particularly the case during long, cold winters such as London is currently experiencing. Why does your body need sunlight?

When light enters your eyes, it stimulates your brain’s hypothalamus. The hypothalamus regulates automatic bodily functions, and controls metabolic functions. The hypothalamus plays a role in producing the stress hormone cortisol, as well as other vital hormone secretions. Finally, the hypothalamus controls the production of serotonin, the mood-enhancing brain hormone.

Direct exposure to sunlight in the form of sun shining on our skin stimulates our body’s production of Vitamin D. Vitamin D boosts your body’s ability to absorb calcium and minerals that your body needs to function properly. Decreased sunlight and subsequently lower Vitamin D levels plays a direct role in our body’s ability to fight off colds and flu during the winter months when we don’t get enough exposure to sunlight.

Try to spend more time outdoors in the winter, even though its cold. Take a short walk outside during your lunch break, or quick walks before and after work. Any exposure to sunlight boosts your mood, helps to regulate your hypothalamus and can increase your body’s Vitamin D production – keeping you healthier even in the cold months. The exercise you’ll get on a quick walk also helps to boost your immune system!

Just as increased sunlight can play a direct role in your mood and energy levels, so can colonic hydrotherapy. Clients who undergo colonic hydrotherapy sessions at Aqualibria report improved metabolism, a surge in energy levels and enhanced mental clarity. Your body needs all the tools it can get to help keep your immune system functioning well during the long winter. (click here for more client reviews).

Try to spend more time outdoors, even though it’s still cold. Take a short walk outside during your lunch break, or quick walks before and after work. Any exposure to sunlight boosts your mood, helps to regulate your hypothalamus and can increase your body’s Vitamin D production – keeping you healthier even in the cold months. The exercise you’ll get on a quick walk also helps to boost your immune system!

In doubt? Get Your Immune System tested

If you have reasons to believe your immune system may be compromised, at Aqualibria we offer the following diagnostic tools:

  • Gut Immunology: a comprehensive stool test to evaluate immunological imbalance specific to gastrointestinal tract inflammatory disease activity.
  • Immunogenomic Profile: a saliva swab to determine genetic variations in genes that modulate immune and inflammatory activity.

Please contact us for more details about either of the tests above.

Focus on Dehydration – Winter 2019

Dehydration – A Definition

Dehydration is the loss of water and electrolytes from the body. Water is needed to maintain enough blood and other fluids for the body to function properly. The body uses fluids to expel toxins and for lubrication in order to keep everything running smoothly. Along with fluids, the body also needs electrolytes, which are salts (sodium, chloride, potassium, and bicarbonate) found in the blood, other fluids, and cells. A lack of electrolytes in the body can interfere with the chemical reactions needed for healthy cell function. If a significant amount of fluids and salts are lost and not quickly replaced, the body starts to become dehydrated.

Dehydration and Digestion – The Stomach

The most important organ for the process of human digestion is the stomach. The stomach secretes acids to break down proteins and sterilize foods. One of the most common acids is hydrochloric acid (HCI).

Once food has begun to be broken down, the stomach contents pass through the pyloric sphincter, which connects the stomach to the small intestine. The lining of the small intestine is not protected against HCI like the stomach lining is, so the HCI must be neutralized. This is a function of the pancreas. The pancreas secretes bicarbonate ions, which neutralizes the HCI, making it safe for the stomach contents to enter the small intestine.

Large amounts of water are needed to produce enough bicarbonate ions to neutralize the HCI. If the pancreas does not have enough water to do its job, the contents of the stomach will not be allowed to move along. Instead, they remain in the stomach, significantly slowing down the digestive process.

As well as affecting HCI neutralization, a stomach without sufficient water is the perfect environment for H.pylori bacteria to colonize.

Dehydration and its effects on the Colon

If the body is not supplied with enough water to support the vital organs (the brain, lungs, kidneys, liver and glands), it will borrow water from the gastro-intestinal tract. A colon without sufficient water will produce hard stools and become constipated. This can put pressure on the stomach. Constipation can also damage the colon lining.

Without sufficient amounts of water the colon can also reabsorb its water reserves. Without clean water to utilize, it will use wastewater, which needs to be filtered through the liver and kidneys, which may place additional strain on these organs.

Dehydration causes, signs and symptoms

There are many causes of dehydration. The most common are:
· vomiting
· diarrhoea
· fever
· diuretic medications
· not drinking enough water

Vigorous exercise and heat can also cause dehydration.

The signs and symptoms of mild dehydration in adults appear when the body has lost about 2% of its total fluid.

Symptoms of early or mild dehydration include:
· flushed face
· extreme thirst
· dry, warm skin
· decreased amounts of urine or unable to pass urine
· dark yellow urine
· dizziness made worse by standing
· weakness
· cramping in the arms and legs
· sleepiness
· irritability
· headaches
· dry mouth and tongue
· thick saliva

Preventing dehydration

During an average day, an adult living in a temperate climate loses approximately 2.5 litres of water, through breathing, sweating, urinating and bowel movements. Vigorous exercise can cause the body to lose more than 2 litres an hour.

To prevent dehydration you need to replace the liquids that are lost throughout the day. The amount of water needed varies from one person to another. Aqualibria recommend drinking a litre of water for every 50lb of body weight. This is based on a person of healthy weight, with a diet rich in fruit, vegetables and foods such as rice that have high levels of moisture. If you have less moisture from your food or are overweight, you will probably need more water. Drink more water during and after exercise. Aqualibria recommend using a good water filtering system.

How do you know if you are drinking enough water?

By the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated.

Your urine should be clear or lightly coloured. Darker coloured urine may be an indication that you are dehydrated.

If you are not drinking enough water, daily intake should be increased gradually.

Treatment of mild dehydration

The best treatment for mild dehydration is an electrolyte-balanced fluid, such as a sports drink. However, Aqualibria strongly believe that prevention is better than cure.

Dehydration and Constipation

Getting enough water is an incredibly important part of balancing your health. There are many health implications that can result from dehydration, including constipation.

When water is in short supply in the body, the colon will restrict unnecessary water loss through the stools. The colon muscles contract to squeeze out the water and reabsorb it back into circulation. This can result in harder stools which are difficult to pass, and which may irritate and weaken the walls of the colon, resulting in diverticula (pockets of tissue that push out from the colonic walls) and colon malfunctions, such as fistulas, polyps and tumors.

For our clients who suffer with constipation, bloating or IBS, Aqualibria recommends a course of colon hydrotherapy treatments to help gently cleanse and hydrate the digestive system, break up dehydrated waste materials on the intestinal walls and prevent the re-absorption of toxic materials.

If you find it hard to drink the required amount of water every day, try adding a small piece of root ginger to a glass of hot water. This will flavour the water and is also a great treatment for constipation.

Can I get dehydrated in Winter? This time of the year?!?

The winter holidays can offer many opportunities for parties and social events, for relaxation and catching up with family and friends. It can also be a time when the alcohol flows freely. So, what does this mean in context of dehydration and digestion? Alcohol is a diuretic, increasing fluid loss from the body, which can lead to dehydration. The liver is the main organ that gets rid of alcohol. As it metabolises the alcohol, it produces acetaldehyde, a toxic substance that affects the stomach lining, resulting in nausea, vomiting and heartburn. The toxins from alcohol can irritate the stomach, causing gastritis, which can delay digestion and cause vomiting. Alcohol also interferes with the small and large intestines’ ability to absorb water and salt, which may cause diarrhoea.

For our clients who wish to maintain their social schedule without compromising their wellbeing, Aqualibria recommends a course of colon hydrotherapy treatments to assist the body in eliminating toxins and to ensure that the digestive system remains healthy and hydrated.

Tips to beat dehydration during the Christmas holiday season

Did you know? It takes 8 ounces of water to make up for drinking 1.5 ounces of alcohol.
These are the steps that you can take to help avoid dehydration and digestive problems caused by alcohol:
· don’t drink on an empty stomach
· take a teaspoon or two of olive oil before drinking alcohol, to help protect the stomach membrane
· drink a glass of water between each glass of alcohol
· don’t drink to excess.

Dehydration in the Workplace

Did you know? A 4-5% reduction in water in your body can cause as much as a 30% decline in work performance.

Dehydration impairs both physical and mental performance. Lifestyle can affect health in many different ways, and the short-term gains of some lifestyle choices can have longer-term repercussions on wellbeing. Caffeine may help to keep you temporarily alert, but it is a mild diuretic and can contribute to dehydration. High protein diets may be convenient and good for sustaining energy levels, but a diet that is too high in protein can lead to dehydration. By keeping your body well hydrated, your performance will be consistently higher than if your body is constantly struggling to cope with the effects of dehydration.

For our clients who have demanding work lives, Aqualibria recommend a course of colon hydrotherapy treatments to assist the digestive system in staying hydrated and to help you perform at your peak.

Aqualibria Tip! Keep a bottle of water on your desk at all times. This way, you will be able to ensure that you are getting enough water throughout even the busiest of days.

Keep your Immune System Healthy and Strong this Fall 2019 !

Winter is a challenging time for our body’s immune system, but the way we approach the arrival of winter presents even more challenges.

Viruses and germs are more likely to spread during the winter, increasing our chances of contracting a cold or flu.

London has just plunged into colder, shorter days, which means our immune system is working harder at this time of the year.

In this blog post, we analyse how we can protect ourself from illness by taking care of our immune system.

How Our Immune System Works

Your immune system is your body’s line of defense against illness and disease. You can only do so much to minimize your risks of coming into contact with harmful bacteria and viruses, so your body’s immune system takes over when you are exposed to these dangerous germs and helps to protect you from illness.

Your immune system produces white blood cells, which fight off infectious disease and foreign materials. When your immune system isn’t functioning properly or is depressed, it can’t produce enough white blood cells to fight off infection and you become sick. White blood cells fight off bacteria and infectious disease.

Another important element of your immune system is antimicrobial peptides. Antimicrobial peptides fight off viruses, bacteria and fungi – even to the point of battling cancerous cells. Your body naturally produces antimicrobial peptides, but you can take supplements to stimulate your body’s production of these little warriors. Antimicrobial peptides also have other immunomodulatory benefits.

Protect your Immune System Part 1 – Nutrition Planning

One of the easiest things you can do to ensure that your immune system is functioning at its best is to make sure your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs. Healthy eating habits are essential in winter as unhealthy habits can lead to depressed immune system responses.

You hear year-round that eating healthy is important. Eating healthy always is important, but it is a vital function to ensure that your immune system is functioning properly. Try to eat plenty of vegetables and protein, and reduce your carbohydrate and processed food intake. You don’t have to eat perfectly all of the time, but improving your eating habits meal-by-meal can produce direct results in how well your immune system deals with the challenges of winter.

In addition to focusing on your eating habits, consider taking nutritional supplements that help to boost your immune system and help your body to create good chemicals and get the most from your food:

· Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the most important supplements you can take to help boost your body’s immune system responses. Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant, and it is an important factor in several vital enzymatic reactions. You can improve your Vitamin C intake by eating more fruits rich in Vitamin C, or taking Vitamin C supplements.

· Zinc: Zinc plays a direct roll in how well your immune system functions. Zinc stimulates the white blood cells that fight off infection, and help keep your body healthy. Zinc and Vitamin C have a synergy that results in improved effectiveness when taken together.

· Histidine: To improve your Zinc intake, you must take Histidine, too. Histidine is an amino acid that enables your body to more effectively absorb Zinc. Taking Zinc supplements without Histidine may be ineffective because certain foods, especially vegetables, can interfere with Zinc absorption. Histidine counteracts that interference and enables your body to effectively process Zinc.

· Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 functions in your body as a powerful antibiotic. Vitamin D3 boosts your body’s production of antimicrobial peptides which destroy pathogenic organisms, such as the influenza virus. Vitamin D3 isn’t a cure for the flu, but it can help your body become more effective at combating the flu.

A detox program that includes colon hydrotherapy can help your body effectively rid itself of unwanted compounds and boost your body’s metabolism and immune system functionality. By removing toxic materials from your body and improving your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, colonic hydrotherapy can help boost your immune system.

But – don’t try to make too many changes too quickly, or your body will have a difficult time to adjust. Make transitions to healthier eating habits gradually so your body can become accustomed to the change. Don’t deprive yourself of the occasional treat, either, or you may find it more difficult to be healthy overall.

Protect your Immune System Part 2 – Stress Management

Stress makes it more difficult for your immune system to function properly, thus increasing your risk during the cold winter months when you are more likely to contract an illness. Stress produces the hormone cortisol, which weakens your white blood cells’ ability to fight viruses. Cortisol also increases blood pressure and blood sugar, increasing your body’s risk for other medical complications in addition to repressed immune function.

Reduce your stress levels to reduce your body’s production of cortisol, and boost your immune responses. Try to get a full night of sleep every night, and practice relaxation techniques to lower your overall stress levels. Take a magnesium supplement in conjunction with aerobic exercise to reduce cortisol levels. Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin C can also reduce the negative impact of cortisol, making it easier for your body to fight off illness and lowering your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Therapeutic, relaxing techniques can help lower your stress levels. These techniques include things like massage and music therapy. Aqualibria has a unique ambience with candles, fresh flowers, mood-enhancing scents and your choice of CDs and music to help you relax. Your personal electronic massager can literally help to melt your cares away, so treat yourself to a colonic hydrotherapy session at Aqualibria to reduce your stress and cortisol levels.

Finally, Your body responds to emotions. Reducing direct stress is only one part of the equation to keeping your body healthy and happy. Nurture yourself, spend quality time with friends and enjoy relaxing activities that make you happy. Keeping your mental state elevated has a direct impact on your stress and cortisol levels, which has a direct impact on how well your body’s immune system functions!

Protect your Immune System Part 3 – Natural Sunlight

Sunlight is an important part of your body’s immune system functionality. During the winter, we typically don’t get as much direct exposure to sunlight as you do during the summer. That is particularly the case during long, cold winters such as London is currently experiencing. Why does your body need sunlight?

When light enters your eyes, it stimulates your brain’s hypothalamus. The hypothalamus regulates automatic bodily functions, and controls metabolic functions. The hypothalamus plays a role in producing the stress hormone cortisol, as well as other vital hormone secretions. Finally, the hypothalamus controls the production of serotonin, the mood-enhancing brain hormone.

Direct exposure to sunlight in the form of sun shining on our skin stimulates our body’s production of Vitamin D. Vitamin D boosts your body’s ability to absorb calcium and minerals that your body needs to function properly. Decreased sunlight and subsequently lower Vitamin D levels plays a direct role in our body’s ability to fight off colds and flu during the winter months when we don’t get enough exposure to sunlight.

Try to spend more time outdoors in the winter, even though its cold. Take a short walk outside during your lunch break, or quick walks before and after work. Any exposure to sunlight boosts your mood, helps to regulate your hypothalamus and can increase your body’s Vitamin D production – keeping you healthier even in the cold months. The exercise you’ll get on a quick walk also helps to boost your immune system!

Just as increased sunlight can play a direct role in your mood and energy levels, so can colonic hydrotherapy. Clients who undergo colonic hydrotherapy sessions at Aqualibria report improved metabolism, a surge in energy levels and enhanced mental clarity. Your body needs all the tools it can get to help keep your immune system functioning well during the long winter.

In doubt? Get tested

If you have reasons to believe your immune system may be compromised, at Aqualibria we offer the following diagnostic tools:

  • Gut Immunology: a comprehensive stool test to evaluate immunological imbalance specific to gastrointestinal tract inflammatory disease activity.
  • Immunogenomic Profile: a saliva swab to determine genetic variations in genes that modulate immune and inflammatory activity.

Please contact us for more details about either of the tests above.


The long winter has just started, and we begin to see enough cold and rain to reduce the amount of time we spend outdoors, in the sunlight. Your body’s immune system is all that stands between you and illness, so take these important steps to help your immune system function as best as it possibly can and keep you well. Use all of the tools you have to increase your body’s natural immune responses and cleanse unhealthy toxins from your system.

Clean Gut Book Review

Dr. Alejandro Junger brings us Clean Gut to show us that “life these days is not gut friendly.” With the help of what he calls the four pillars of gut repair – Remove, Replace, Reinoculate and Repair – Dr. Junger explains the essential steps that need to be taken in order to clean the gut and begin a healthier life full of energy and disease-free. In Clean Gut, Dr. Junger traces some of the most common chronic symptoms and diseases in the world back to their origins in the gut.

In the first half of the book, Dr. Junger talks about how he learned that gut repair was the answer to most illnesses, both ordinary and chronic, through personal experience from past struggles with his own health. With the help of clever analogies of LEGO pieces, bamboo shoots, wildfires, terrorists, artillery and other things, Dr. Junger helps readers to understand how the gut and the immune system work and how the condition of both, the immune system and the gut, affect our overall health.

Dr. Junger shares his journey in the medical field and describes how the diet plan explained in Clean Gut worked wonders for his past patients, friends and even for him. While Dr. Junger makes it easy for audiences of all backgrounds to understand the book through stories and analogies, he is still able to explain things in a literal and scientific way to backup his claims. Clean Gut is simply the perfect mix of personal experience with professional facts and knowledge.


As you read Clean Gut, you will find that Dr. Junger’s message is all about food and that “food is medicine, and the gut is the key to a long, vibrant life.” He emphasizes the importance of proper nutrition along with cleansing of the colon as the secret to prosperous health. According to Dr. Junger, “the most common toxins come in our food, and your gut bears the brunt of these toxins.” – based on this fact, Dr. Junger created the Clean Gut diet to help people like you eliminate these toxins that come into your body with food.

Not only does Dr. Junger explain the basics of cleansing the colon in Clean Gut, but he also shows us how to prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, depression, back pain, etc and why poor health of the gut is responsible for these illnesses. “Before chronic disease, there is inflammation; but before inflammation comes gut dysfunction. Anti-inflammation treatments help, but gut repair corrects the problem right at its source.”

The second half of the book gives you a detailed diet plan that is referred to as “The Clean Gut programme,” which is based on the four Rs of functional medicine –

  • Remove
  • Replace
  • Reinoculate
  • Repair

The programme is divided into two phases. The first phase consists of a twenty-one day diet that cleanses the system and repairs the gut by only allowing for easily digestible food to be consumed during this phase. The second phase is a seven-day process that reintroduces normal food into your diet in a way that allows you to identify which foods cause the most harm to your gut, so that you can stay away from toxic triggers.

As “the body’s health begins in the gut, its own internal roots,” Dr. Junger advices to do everything possible to have a healthy colon with the help of colonic hydrotherapy and a healthy diet.

“I received colonic hydrotherapy treatments daily to help flush out all the toxins that were being released from my tissues via my intestines. By the third day of the detox program, my energy was returning and my constant hunger and headaches were dissipating.”

-Dr. Alejandro Junger

Clean Gut encourages people to take the necessary steps to get healthy and spreads the message that “we no longer have to get sick to get healthy.” Taking a step forward to better health will prevent chronic illnesses and provide a longer and better quality of life.

While the book is about why and how we should maintain a clean and healthy gut, the message is not just for patients, but for doctors as well. In the book, Dr. Junger encourages professionals in the medical field to be more prudent and vigilant about prescribing antibiotics so promptly, which could weaken the immune system and kill good bacteria in the gut, causing a long-term negative impact rather than positive.

After having been introduced to a plethora of gut-health-related information and the Clean Gut diet programme, you can find numerous recipes for the diet, such as Shepherd’s Pie, chicken pot pie, turkey chilli, garlic lemon chicken, sweet and spicy chicken wings, salmon salad, fish and chips and much more. Plus, so that you don’t cheat, there is also a list of recipes for salad dressings, like clean Caesar dressing and clean ranch dressing.

Overall, Clean Gut is a very complete guide that provides valuable nutritional information to keep your gut clean and healthy. Dr. Junger does an excellent job describing how chronic and regular illnesses happen so that you can do everything you can to prevent them to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Junger approaches health in a relatable way by discussing his own dilemmas with his personal health and takes it a step further by providing samples of special cases from his patients that were chronically ill and improved their health significantly thanks to the Clean Gut programme.

Clean Gut is undoubtedly an invaluable, reliable and life-changing resource for anyone – healthy or ill. This is a great way to take a step towards a healthier lifestyle with professional advice from one of the most sought-after doctors.

As a professional, not only do I recommend Clean Gut, but I praise it as a valuable source of information for anyone who would like to change their lives significantly. I highly recommend Clean Gut and encourage everyone to try the Clean Gut programme complemented with colon hydrotherapy, just as Dr. Junger did. This is a great read – so interesting that you will not be able to put it down until the end. When you finish reading the book, you will see why Dr. Junger is Gwyneth Paltrow’s go-to doctor.

What do you think? Have you read the book yourself? Do you agree with its content? Let me know by commenting below, I will attempt to reply as soon as possible.