10 Diets Yours Should Learn From

This National Nutrition Month, we unpack the diet secrets behind the healthiest countries in the world.

National Nutrition Month started life as a US awareness week back in 1973. Such was the support and interest in the cause, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics made the decision to dedicate a month to dietary education every year from 1980 onwards.

The campaign champions nutritional awareness and the importance of making informed food choices alongside an active lifestyle. As is inevitable in the social age that we’re living in, the craze caught on. Popularity has and continues to grow overseas, with many of our own health charities and organisations getting in the on the action. British voices routinely push food awareness throughout the month of March, with the nation’s own Nutrition and Hydration Week kicking off right in the middle(14th-20th).

Celebrate A World Of Flavours

This year’s theme is ‘celebrate a world of flavours.’ It’s all about embracing new foods from cultures across the globe. Experimenting with new cuisines can be a fun and delicious way to nourish ourselves and appreciate our diversity. It can mean discovering healthy food you’ve never considered and is a surefire way to expand your nutritional horizons.

Healthiest Diets Worldwide

“Let food be thy medicine.”

Hippocrates (400 BC)

You’re sure to have heard this phrase before. Wise words indeed, it was Hippocrates who first spoke them. The father of “Western Medicine.” Though the landscape has changed, the message hasn’t. We cannot underestimate the importance of nutrition in the fight against ill health and disease.

With that and this year’s theme in mind, I’d like to take you overseas. These are the healthiest countries worldwide according to official rankings. Let’s see what we can learn from diets that fuel them.


It is no small feat to be named the world’s healthiest country. It’s an incredible achievement in itself. But by 2040, the Spanish will also have the highest life span, forecasted by the Lancet to be almost 86.

Spanish nutrition resembles the widely-championed Mediterranean diet, but with some interesting variations. The average Spaniard consumes more meat than the traditional outline recommends. Intake of fruit, veg, and grains also varies, falling just short of suggested this time. Still, the Mediterranean ideal of a diet rich in whole foods and fresh produce remains. Meals tend to be hand-cooked and unprocessed. As a result, this protein-rich diet is high in nutrients and low on calories to boot.


Italian food is incredibly popular. A firm favourite of many, this country’s dishes have been adopted and adapted across the globe. Pizza ranks high here in Britain. It’s the nation’s fourth most popular takeout treat. Pasta, too, is a staple. Spaghetti bolognese made the top five of Britain’s favourite family meals. But these dishes aren’t healthy. Not diet food, to say the least. So, why did Italy rank so highly? How can they eat like this and yet maintain healthy weights?

In truth, Italian food is varied and colourful. The typical diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as pulses, lean meat, whole grains and fish. Very little red meat is eaten, and sauces tend to be tomato or vegetable-based. The Italians, like most Mediterranean cultures, enjoy the experience of food. Meals are often a social occasion, with small plates eaten over a longer period. Portions, even then, are conservative. While enjoyed, meals aren’t eaten in excess.


Iceland has traditionally been populated predominantly near its coastline. Fresh fish is available all year round and haddock, plaice, herring, and shrimp play a large part in the nation’s diet. In fact, Icelandics consume around four times the average fish as other countries. As a result, their diet is low in saturated fat and high in omega 3.

Lamb is also a key player in Icelandic nutrition. Enjoyed in moderation, lamb is rich in high-quality protein and B vitamins. It’s an excellent source of zinc and iron, too. Add to that Iceland’s proud fresh produce culture, and you have the recipe for what is sure to be a fulfilling and balanced diet.


Japan has long been hailed for the health of its people. At present, it has the oldest population in the world. As an island, this country enjoys a plethora of fresh fish and seafood. It is prepared steamed, baked, grilled, or raw, and makes up a large portion of the Japanese diet. Fish is typically low-fat and offers a host of essential vitamins and minerals. Oily varieties boast Omega-3 fatty acids, which are key in maintaining a healthy heart.

In addition to this, the Japanese enjoy a host of fruit and vegetables. Diets are varied, balanced by carbohydrates and meat. Typically, the population steers away from processed drinks. Instead, they favour water and tea.


The Swiss diet is largely influenced by Italian, French, and German cuisine. It’s history, too. Many of the dishes you see today were passed down through several generations.

While renowned for their chocolate and world-class cheese, the Swiss adhere to a surprisingly healthy lifestyle. Full-fat foods are enjoyed alongside whole grains and muesli. Cured meats are popular, as are hearty stews. What really sets this country apart, however, is the culture. Switzerland boasts a unique and somewhat strict diet structure. Five meals are eaten daily, each at a set time with a specific range of food.


The Swedish lifestyle is admirable. Swedes are notoriously active when compared to other nations, but that fact alone can’t take all the credit for the population’s high life expectancy. Their diet is also very healthy. While not as high in fruit and vegetables as the rest of our contenders, the Swedish diet is overflowing with nutritious berries, rye, fresh fish and responsibly farmed meats.

This nation reaps the nutrition offered by its low-carb diet and is fueled by friendly non-saturated fats.


Australia is a relatively young nation, and so draws culinary influence from all corners of the globe. Modern diets reflect the current climate, and so fast-food culture also plays a part.

As a whole, the Australian diet is varied. Both red and white meat is widely eaten, as well as healthy quantities of fish. And while vegetable intake falls short of recommended, the population makes up for this in terms of fruit. Australians also benefit from the country’s agricultural exports. Citizens enjoy homegrown livestock, wheat, nuts, and barley alongside fruit and vegetables. A balanced diet and a healthy love for the outdoors mean it’s no surprise that Australians are thriving.


Singaporean diet quality has risen in recent years. A 2018 nutrition survey observed improvements in whole grain, fruit, and vegetable consumption across the population. A decline in saturated fats in favour of unsaturated varieties, too, suggests conscious eating is on the rise.

Singapore’s food is as diverse as its culture. It has its roots in Malay and Chinese culture, with Indian and Western influences, too. A typical diet includes protein – such as chicken, fish, or pork – paired with rice or noodles. Tropical fruit is also enjoyed widely, and Southeast Asian food enjoys a plethora of heady spices. If your diet typically lacks essential vitamins, you might consider picking up a Singaporean recipe or two.


The Nordic diet blurs the lines between tradition and sustainability. It promotes locally grown produce as well as eating healthy. Both fresh and saltwater fish are key staples for this country. It’s eaten often, alongside cereals, potatoes, and other whole foods. Red meat isn’t a typical inclusion. Instead, Norwegians opt for game, a leaner source of protein.

Norway’s unique dietary approach hasn’t gone unnoticed. Conscious and informed food choices are key to establishing a healthy lifestyle. Experts agree. When tested against the average Danish diet, the Nordic diet proved almost three times as effective for losing weight (Poulson, S. K., 2013). That’s without counting calories, too.


Israel boasts the lowest recorded figure of diet-related deaths worldwide. It’s not hard to see why. Traditional Israeli cuisine is liberal with whole foods, fruit, and vegetables. Fish is a low-fat and popular choice of protein for this nation that consumes very little meat.

Across the board, Israeli diets are largely unprocessed. Lean meat and local produce balance out the healthy fats of avocados, oil, and nuts.

Aqualibria’s Diet-Centric Approach

At Aqualibria, we’ve always been outspoken about the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle when it comes to taking charge of your health. In fact, we’re right there beside you every step of the way. Before we take on any new client, we’re sure to discuss their lifestyle, goals, and objectives that they wish to achieve through colonic hydrotherapy. We come from a healthcare background, so knowing the full picture in advance ensures that we are equipped to tailor treatment to each patient individually. We educate them about the procedure and advise the healthiest path for them to take post-therapy.

Our role as caregivers isn’t over once a client leaves our clinic. Treatment continues beyond our doors with ongoing support. If you’d like to learn more about our health-centric approach or would simply like to chat about your diet, check out our website or contact us directly. We’d love to hear from you. Our trained specialists are on-hand and always happy to help.

New Year’s Resolutions

In this article, we discuss the science behind New Years’ resolutions. We look into why they’re notoriously hard to keep, and how science says we can prepare ourselves for success.

The New Year is a beautiful time where we’re all united under the umbrella of a common goal. As a whole, we tend to start January full of hope and the idea that we’re trying to improve. Motivation is high on the first of the month, but all too often it decreases as life gets in the way or we lose sight of why we wanted our written rule in the first place.

Over the next few paragraphs, we’ll take a look at which resolutions are born ready for success and which might hinder you in the long run. We’ll look at the science of goals and see what you can do throughout this month and beyond to start strong and stay strong in 2022.

Resolutions: The Two Goal Types


Superordinate goals are a more abstract motivation, fundamental to our overall sense of self and worth. The idea is that these goals are explored deeply with an overarching sense of why.

One example given was to then formulate a goal along the lines of “I want to be a person who…”


Subordinate goals are decidedly more concrete and offer a precise action or step that they want to take.

Options might include going for a run twice a week, taking the stairs at work, or even eating healthily. Depending on which action feels the most important to pursue, the goal is built around just this.

The science

This 2019 study by Höchli, et al., explores the effect that both these goal types have on the motivation of goal pursuit, particularly in terms of New Year’s resolutions.

The idea was that setting subordinate goals would be more successful as previous data suggests they boost performance. Studies highlight the advantages of having a single goal of initiating a specific action over a short period of time.

Conversely, supporters of superordinate goals state that their relation to one’s worth implies a higher stake on the line of success. People should, by this theory, be more motivated to carry out behaviours in line with achieving their goal.

The formula for success

Höchli found that while researchers are under the almost unanimous agreement that superordinate goals are most effective for these reasons, there were no correlating figures to prove that either goal individually had a better result on the longevity or success of resolutions.

It is interesting, then, that there was one clear winner in terms of still being motivated over time. Three months into the study, those who combined both superordinate goals and related subordinate goals were ultimately more successful.

Setting Goals That Breed Success

Another study we looked at (Oscarsson, et al., 2020) looked at how the format of goals can play into overall success. The results found that those who set approach-oriented goals were indeed more successful in their resolutions than those who followed avoidance-oriented kinds.

So what does that mean?

Avoid this type of goal:

  • I won’t eat sugar this year.
  • No more alcohol on weekdays.
  • Remove toxic people from my life.

Instead, focus on goals like this:

  • I’ll live a healthier lifestyle this year.
  • Choosing to drink water with my evening meal.
  • I’ll focus on building positive relationships this year.

The Role Of Habit In Keeping Resolutions

In a landmark study, the University of Scranton (1988) found that only 19% of those studied kept their resolutions two years later. One major factor for long-term success and still reaping the benefits of your good intentions made now is forming habits around the actions that build your goals.

It can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form a new habit. The same study confirmed that an average of 66 days is needed to make this habit automatic. It may sound like a long time when you’re just starting off, but the good news is that it’s definitely achievable in a year. Isn’t that why we set out our goals in January to begin with?

So how do we build long-term habits?

“Habits aren’t just there, but you can get them by repitition and reinforcement.” Dr Nicole Calakos, M.D., PH.D. Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurobiology at Duke University.

One strategy is to recognise the outside factors (that is people, activities, or environments) linked to the habit you’d like to change or build. Once you are aware of this, you can start to change your behavior towards those things.

If you would like to lose weight, for example, you need to look at where you might find your common pitfalls. This might be a tendency to use the vending machine that you pass en route to the canteen each day. To combat this, a common method is to bring a pre-prepared healthy option from home to combat the need to purchase anything at all. Alternatively, you could take a different route to the canteen if another is available to you.

It can be hard to make these choices consciously at first, but over time you will find that habit means you’ll eventually do them without a thought. You can’t build a habit without recognising where it will fit into your life, and you can’t keep it without deciding on initial behavioural changes first.

Top tips going forward

Before you step away, I’d like to recommend this video produced by PBS on the study of habit. It’s only around five minutes long, so it won’t keep you.

Take a moment to think of why you’re making a resolution and think to yourself why it’s important in the first place. Follow the advice above and support your overall ambition with more concrete and attainable goals to maintain your motivation over time, and in doing so you’ll start forming habits too.

If health is a big one for you this year, why not take the first step and check out our services? Our helpful team will be more than happy to discuss colonic hydrotherapy and how it can fit into a healthy lifestyle.

Ten Wellness Gift Ideas To Buy Before Christmas

From the fitness fanatic to the mindful soul, our curated wellness selection will inspire gifts for everyone on your list.

A gift is wrapped in festive wrapping paper and held out to the reader.

At Aqualibria, we care about health and wellness. Far more than just a state of mind, wellness can encompass everything from meditation and relaxation to sleep and therapy and often covers a lot more in-between. This Christmas, we’ve decided to skip the indulgencies and chocolate and instead bring you a curated list of wellness-inspired gifts for the health-conscious soul in your life.

If your loved one could benefit from a little pampering or has maybe shared their plans for a New Year health kick, then you’ll find just the thing to see them through. We’ve tried to cover a range of categories and motivations, as well as different price points, too, so you’re bound to find at least one person to tick off your list this festive season.


Acupressure Mat Set

A gift set of a black acupressure yoga mat, pillow, and bag.

Yogi Bare

Oliver Bonas


The Yogi Bare Acupressure Mat works by applying pressure to various points of the back and body. It provides a painless environment to unwind and cultivate much-needed endorphins.

A perfect gift for the busy person in your life who would benefit from an escape through self-directed therapy.


Argan Skincare Treatment Candle

A gift box presented in a beautiful bow, and a pourable spouted candle beside.


Not On The High Street


The Argan Skincare Treatment Candle aims to nourish and hydrate the body through a carefully curated blend of oils designed to treat the skin. It comes in three delicious seasonal scents, forbidden spices, orangery orchid, and festive frankincense, orange, and lavender, making it an ideal gift for this time of year.

Perfect for the loved one you know deserves to de-stress and pamper themselves this Christmas.


Vacuum insulated leak-proof drinks bottle 500ml

A beautiful matte green, stainless steel drinks bottle. Good for your health and the environment.


John Lewis


This stainless steel drinks bottle has been making waves for years now. Utilising high-tech double-walled technology, Chilly’s bottles will keep drinks cold for up to 24 hours and hot for up to 12. Also BPA-free and leak-proof, the drinker won’t need to worry about any degradable toxins or spills while it’s around.

The perfect gift for both the outdoorsy and environmentally conscious soul in your life, this beautiful matte green flask is sure to go down a treat.


Mindfullness Jar

A gift jar full of thoughtful notes and mindfulness exercises for the recipient.

Maison & White



The Maison & White Mindfulness Jar is a delightful treat. With no fewer than 25 daily messages, your recipient will get almost a month’s worth of thoughtful exercises. The regular practice of mindfulness has been known to improve your sense of self, reduce stress, and increase creativity, making this the ideal gift to show a loved one you really care.

An affordable treat for both the novice and experienced practitioner, this Mindfulness Jar would make a delightful stocking filler or secret Santa surprise.


My Daily Self Care Wellness Journal

Give the gift of self-care with this beautiful year-long wellness journal.

Blush and Gold

Not On The High Street


This Daily Self Care Journal covers 365 days over four integrated sections. As the recipient works through, they’ll find dedicated pages for self-care check-ups, identifying barriers, planning their self-care routine, and evaluating their practice. It is an intensive program within the pages of one beautifully presented book, and would no doubt be a gift used time and again by whoever you present it to.

Perfect for almost anyone, gift this journal to somebody close to show them just how much they mean to you.


Dodow Sleep Aid Device

The Dodow, a metronomic light therapy routine.



The Dodow is a very different kind of present, but one we had to find a place for in our list. This is more than just light therapy. It combines projection with guided breathing, contracting in time with what it determines to be the optimal pace for you and visually keeping you on track. Don’t just take our word for it, Dodow has over 5000 dedicated customer reviewers who swear by its unique approach in helping such ailments as stress, insomnia, and interrupted or unrestful sleep.

Gift the Dodow to somebody you love who struggles to unwind and fall asleep. Though one of the more pricey suggestions on our list, the value it provides to its recipients is, in their own words, priceless.


Sleep Well Gift Box

A gift box of sleep relief and relaxation products.




Lingering on the topic of sleep, our next recommendation offers a delightful mix of therapy and relaxation in a convenient letterbox-friendly package. Each item has been lovingly curated to work in harmony with one another and aid in creating tranquil sleep.

Perfect for the loved one far away, this thoughtful assortment can be sent directly to those you may not have time to visit before Christmas.


Luxe Fitness Tracker

A fashionable gold stainless steel, chain-linked fitness tracker by health giant Fitbit.


£129.99 – 179.99

Fitbit has been a household name for quite some time, but with the Luxe they’ve brought us something different. Offering a more feminine and fashion-forward design, the Luxe tailors itself around your style while still keeping health and fitness in focus.

While the whole range is gorgeous, the special edition deserves an honourable mention. It comes with a gold stainless steel link bracelet from the timeless jewellery brand Gorjana, making it an ideal gift for the fashionable lady in your life.


Mindful Living Box

A gift box full of wellness treats, mindful exercises, and relaxing activities.




The Qappy Mindful Living Box is a unique offering of curated treats designed to provide the recipient with a memorable experience. With a focus on ‘being present in the moment,’ Qappy has boxed hours of fun across 6 wellness-inspired activities and has bundled them in with indulgent treats and exclusive access to an extensive digital library of content to help you in your mindfulness journey.

A perfect gift for the loved one who seems to have everything, this selection takes the guessing work out of the equation and offers a one-of-a-kind experience with something for everyone to love.


Colonic Hydrotherapy

A woman smiling against a pink background, holding a gift voucher.

Aqualibria UK


Do you know somebody who has been experiencing some digestive discomfort lately? Or maybe you have a loved one who is very serious about their health? Here at Aqualibria, we specialize in addressing the needs of those with digestive trouble, providing relief for constipation, bloating, IBS, and exhaustion to name but a few. An Aqualibria Gift Voucher is currently only £130 and offers a comprehensive colonic hydrotherapy assessment and treatment to your recipient.

The perfect gift for anybody experiencing any digestive discomfort, or even just someone in need of a boost, a treatment with us could be just the thing your loved one needs this holiday season. Click here to find out more!

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